Types of Mental Abuse

This image from a post in the Design Thinking group gave me the heebie-jeebies!

Who among us hasn't experienced one or more of these? And how many while at work- where we are all supposed to be on our best behavior?

I have. For me, #gaslighting is the worst and has made me doubt whether I belonged in that job, or if my stress was real or imagined! I would spend days and weeks caught in my head, incessantly worrying about whether my interpretation of the situation was real or not.

Which one is the worst for you? How are you dealing with it? How #distressing is the situation - and what do you want to do about it?

I am a coach who helps professional women over 40 decide to stay or leave distressing work environments so they feel energized and at peace.

Can I help you?
Book a free call here.


Fireworks + finding your spark


Are you a hot frog?