Fireworks + finding your spark

Hiss! Spark! Crackle! Pop! The world above me bursts open into cascading wonder.
Those are the sights and sounds Americans are used to on the 4th of July.
Those also happen to be the sensations I wanted to evoke when I named my business “Fireworks Coaching.” I wanted to help people – especially women over 40 – feel energized, full of possibility and to get their spark back.
I am usually a naturally bright and sparkly person.

But not today.
Nor the past few days.
My light has dimmed because I am letting my saboteurs wreak havoc on my business-building, income generating confidence. That sounds like such a calm assessment, doesn’t it?
It was not.
It sounded more like this in my head:

“What are you DOING? How can YOU help people when you don’t have it all figured out yourself? Put DOWN the chocolate!”
So, I just got some coaching of my own. I was reminded of the existence of these mental gremlins (d’uh)- which is hilarious after taking a 6-week course in Positive Intelligence and learning all about them in detail!

My coach Liz Price also reminded me that I know what to do when the worries strike and the memory-sapping cortisol hits: make a list of what works and DO them. Any of them.
So I did.
Here is my “sooth myself” list. What is yours?
• Play music. “I’ll Take You There” by the Staple Singers works for me every time.
• Focus on a body sensation for a few minutes like breathing, or hearing, or vision. I like looking deep into the sunshine playing off blooming flowers on my deck.
• Laugh. My go to are comedian specials on Netflix. A link to one of the best ones ever by Wanda Sykes in the comments.
• Move my body. Jump, walk, dance. Get the stress ya ya’s out.
• Hug someone. I am so lucky my husband is always up to oblige! (A pillow works great too).
• Pet an animal. Ideally one that won’t bite! I love the way my cat will come find me anywhere I sit in the house for a cuddle.

What do YOU need to calm your mind today?
I know many of feel stuck in your minds about stressful situations too. I would love to help you retrieve your OWN beam of happy light back!

Schedule a free 30 minute session here.


I am worrying!


Types of Mental Abuse