Are you a hot frog?

Writers and coaches are often told the same thing: write (coach) what you know about.

I know about #toxicworkplaces. I also now know how to better identify when I'm in one. Like the frog in the boiling water story that doesn't realize how hot things are getting, I've spent far too much time paddling around without noticing.

I want something different for you! Here are my top 5 hints that you may want to at least peer over the edge of the "pot:"

1 - What are the stated company values? What is actually being enacted (or not) around you? Is it consistent?

2 - How much change is happening in hiring/firing/leadership shifts?

3 - How do people speak to each other? what do they say? Is there any yelling?

4 - Is your role consistent? Of course, our jobs change all the time but is the core purpose of your position relatively stable, or changing rapidly?

5 - How do you feel during your workday? Energized? Anxious? Wondering if the other shoe is going to drop?

Want a trusted partner to explore further? I can help!

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