Ted Lasso is Life

I watch a lot of TV (you do too). But I often like the recaps even better (don't get me started on the comments!)

That was the case today when catching up with the Ted Lasso episode where one of the characters (Colin)comes out as gay to the team. One of the commenters said: "And I loved seeing Colin reborn in the second half as a full person who came to destroy the pitch."

That "full person" phrase struck me hard! So many of us show up at work (and at home) only partially there. Afraid to rock the boat by saying what you really think in a meeting. Beset by a constant barrage of worries and doubts about being in this job, company or life. Frustrated and unable to focus fully on your job because something is off.

Knowing where you are now no longer serves you, and in fact blocks the full expression of your strengths and capabilities – but not exactly how or why.

It’s exhausting – and a full-time job in itself to manage the nonstop barrage of thoughts while ALSO presenting what can feel like an alter ego.

So, how can you become YOUR own full person?

The first step is clarifying your values. Want to know in only 1 hour?

Work with me to complete your North Star Values Assessment.


Are you a hot frog?