The Long and Winding Road

Yesterday I spent an hour hearing my dentist's career journey.

It was long and winding and fascinating (and a good distraction to dental work).

I was struck once again by how many of us (most? all?) end up somewhere far different from what we said we wanted to do for a career at age 5, 18, 30 or even 55.

And you know what makes the most difference typically in arriving somewhere?

VALUES. My doctor's story fully illustrated his search to find a career and specialty that matched his values the best: autonomy, connection, working with his hands and life balance.

He did not articulate his experience that way but as a trained and experienced #careerchangecoach, I could hear them coming through loud and clear.

He shared how many attempts it took to find his place in dentistry and how it felt to finally "arrive." The story spanned years!

How long do YOU want to wait to get clear on your values -> and your career?

I can help! Check out the North Star Values Assessment (only $99) to get values clarity in only an hour!


It Only Has to Make Sense to You


Expect More for Yourself