I am bullied

#bullying. Does this word strike fear into your heart? Did you think it was restricted to 5th grade recess when your group of friends suddenly shunned you?
It’s not. Bullying happens at work. It may go by different names, and likely the perpetrators are better dressed but I am here to tell you it’s real.
In fact, bullying is more subtle in the workplace than Mary threatening to punch you after work (oh yes, it’s the girls too). And not knowing what is going on can be the worst part and cause the most trauma. Doubting yourself with thoughts of: “I must be imagining things. They just forgot to add me to that meeting invite” wreaks havoc with your confidence – and trust in reality.
The doubt and fear that you might be a victim of corporate bullying can make you want to run away. Quit on the spot. Anything to stop the stress and fear.
Don’t give your power away to bullies. Let’s put language to what is happening.
I can help you ground yourself, restore your power and decide for YOURSELF how to respond – stay or leave. But on your terms.
Connect for a free 30 min call.

Don’t let the bullies win.

Want more tips? Get my free guide to surviving your distressing job.

#coaching #toxicworkplace #professionalwomen


Don’t make this mistake!


I am worrying!