Don’t make this mistake!

You are in the right place, you brave woman! Being in the workplace over 40 isn’t like starting off as a wide-eyed 22 year old. You have learned and seen things that may be hard to get past. I want you to find career satisfaction, and so I’m going to do everything in my power to help you decide where that is!

Today I am sharing the #1 mistake professional women over 40 who find themselves in stressful work often make: playing small.

Is this you?

You open yet another re-org announcement in your inbox and immediately think: “I can’t stay here. There won’t be any room for me now.”


At your annual review, your manager gives you a low rating, claiming you aren’t a “big enough thinker.” You stammer, “oh, OK” and slink back to your desk.

There is another way. Exercise your right to ask questions.

There is no law requiring you to accept everything you hear as the gospel truth. Few, if any corporate decisions are infallible.

I challenge you to just ask.

  • What is driving this re-org?

  • What skills/needs does the organization need most now?

  • What was my manager looking for from me?

  • Do these things have to do with my current performance or a future direction she sees me growing towards?

  • How will I know I am meeting these expectations?

And, the biggest question of all - perhaps uttered in your “inside voice:”

  • Is this even what I want to be doing? And where? Is it here?

You get to choose.

Wondering how to approach all of this? Stay tuned for the next email coming in just a few days where I share the “missing piece” of deciding what you want.

Want to find out faster? Feel free to schedule a free 30 min intro call with me and we will get started.

Hang in there!


PS: What do YOU think the “missing piece” is? Let me know!


The Curious Hummingbird


I am bullied