Blindsided at work?

In shock and don’t know where to turn?

When it happens it can take your breath away. One minute all seems well at work, and the next your heart is pounding, you can’t get any air. Your panic is mounting.

What just happened?
Maybe one of these is you? There are endless examples of toxic treatment at work!

  • Your leaders asked you last week to bring them your top suggestions for improvements.
    Now YOU are the one called out to change by HR. What did you do?

  • You are a new employee, getting great feedback until suddenly a colleague spreads lies behind your back and then denies it. Suddenly, your manager questions your competency and puts you on official notice. What went wrong?

  • You are an expert in your field and were hired as such. Suddenly, out of the blue your manager asks to sit in on all of your meetings. What is going on?

Get the support you need - exactly when the worse is happening

Toxic Treatment SOS

Voxer Coaching

Did you know when the human body experiences fear, our brain responds by slowing down our abilities to process our experiences? Your capacity for rational thought - and even clear, actual vision is drastically impaired.

That’s why you need support as soon as the bullying, or toxic treatment begins.

Voxer coaching allows real-time access to me, as your coach, for an entire day, or series of days, to provide a rational voice advocating for YOU! Right when you need it most.

What you get:

  • 30 min call or Zoom to explain the painful situation.

  • All day (specified hours), UNLIMITED support via text, voice, and photos to share real-time updates and get the “urgent care” you need on how to respond (or not) to the toxic situation as it unfolds.

  • Fast relief and empathy - from someone with vast experience in managing unexpected work shocks.

  • Ability to hear the words that help more than once via Voxer recordings.

  • Time to think more deeply on what we’ve discussed vs feeling like you need a response right away.

  • Fits into your day easily - with no need to find mutual time slots for ongoing calls or Zoom sessions.

  • Option to add additional days to work through the emerging situation


Choose your plan

One Day


  • 30 min situation call (optional)

  • 1 day: 9am - 6pm PST

  • Can be nonconsecutive


Three Days


  • 30 min situation call (optional)

  • 3 days: 9am - 6pm PST

  • Can be nonconsecutive

Additional Days


  • 1 day: 9am - 6pm PST

  • Can be nonconsecutive

  • Requires initial purchase

“I am incredibly grateful for the transformative experience working with Becky. Her guidance not only helped me navigate a toxic work situation with resilience but also expanded my perspectives on future possibilities. Thanks to the flexibility of our Voxer sessions to communicate at the best times for my schedule – and right when the worst was happening- I was able to respond to the shocking comments from my manager in both professional and proactive ways to protect myself. I highly recommend Becky for her flexible communication offerings, tailored coaching and curious approach.”
— Anonymous

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