Stay or Go With Confidence
STAY OR LEAVE WITH CONFIDENCE is my 10 session coaching intensive to help you come to terms with your distressing current job or career situation. And then clearly and safely DECIDE what to do about it!
It is so easy to get stuck when it’s too good to leave - and too bad to stay!
Have you ever tried driving a car with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake?
That is what you are doing when in a job or career path that stresses you out so much you are seriously considering leaving. Like maybe after lunch. But then you think, “If I can only hold out until the next bonus! I need the money.” So you jump back into the chaos, hoping you can ignore the knots in your stomach every time your job completely changes (once a week it seems).
You are stuck. Between a rock and a hard place.
Should you stay or should you go?
And now here I am, a coach offering my services to help you. But they cost money, right? Why on earth would you spend MORE money in this moment when you don’t know what the future holds?
What if getting the help you need to feel calmer and more control actually INCREASES your income?
Imagine getting the news that the hiring manager you were so excited to work for took another job, a week after you started. And her replacement is the person you’ve heard others say is the worst leader in the company.
Or, your grand plans for a meaningful career fell apart after taking a job “just for a while” and now you feel you can’t get out.
What if this was you instead:
Instead of stressing out, contemplating giving immediate notice, doom-scrolling LinkedIn or drinking ALL the wine in the house, you remain fully centered and present. You know your values, strengths and how to ground yourself in the midst of change. You hold on to the mental energy - and confidence! - to think of creative solutions for adjusting to where you are now - or devising well thought out plans to get a new job or find a new career. You know you have plenty of time - and NO loss of income.
Want to drive in a straight line with renewed confidence? I can help.
“I found myself facing a career dilemma and pondering the same question daily: "Should I stay or should I go?" During this period, I came across Becky and began working with her. After a few sessions, she helped me reach the conclusion I needed to make, which was to leave. Through Becky's exercises and questions, I was able to comprehend the reasons behind my decision. Why did I need to depart? Why was I unhappy with my job every day?”
-Amy B.
So how DO we decide what road to follow?
And how to do so safely?
Most of us have never actually learned how to make good decisions.
I help with that by applying the principles of Design Thinking to help clients uncover what they really want and need in the next stage of their careers (and life!).
The diagram below is an overview of the Design Thinking process, a technique borrowed from the design world. In short: Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It is most useful to tackle ill-defined or unknown problems and involves five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.
This means instead of doom scrolling LinkedIn open positions to see if something might be a fit - and then competing with many others doing the same things, I help you:
Identify your core life and work values
Take back your confidence
Generate multiple ideas for how to fulfill them
Articulate a core set of possible paths
“Prototype" them safely (ask questions/talk to people already doing the things) to clearly and confidently decide what you want next.
Implement your decision with accountability and support as needed with job searching (resumes, LinkedIn, interviewing, negotiating) or next steps in your new life plans
This also means no more leaps of faith OR settling for the same things that no longer fit. If I knew this method 20 years ago, I might have saved myself $80k on a grad school education that didn't answer those questions for myself. I am driven to help others get to their career fit with far less pain!
And, how does this translate to career change coaching?

Experiential Career Change Decision Making in Detail
Articulate Your North Stars
• Uncover your top meaningful work values + non-negotiables via the North Star Values Assessment
• Determine your top 3-5 values to use as guideposts along this decision-making journey
• Articulate your journey -own your past experiences and speak to them with assurance
• Meet your Future You and learn how this wise entity can help you TODAYDecide Who to Listen to
• Uncover your saboteurs, or gremlins constantly talking you down
• Practice noticing and counteracting their influence
• Build up "sage" powers for greater confidence, energy and clarity
• Re-frame limiting beliefs -
Find What Feels Good
• Track energy, engagement and flow in your day-day life (home and work).
Generate Idea Bank
• Mine what you discover for your Idea Bank ->unfiltered and creative solutions to your career dilemmas.
Reflected Best Self (optional)
• Complete the Reflected Best Self (RBS) exercise to gather proof of of your genius and value from those who know you best (may require extra sessions.) -
Brainstorm + mind map connections
• Take your Idea Bank (and RBS if applicable) and create a mind map by hand or online (links below) to see how new connections and options might arise
Design 3 x 5 year paths
• From this new big picture, create 3 possible 5 year life paths. Staying where you are is a valid option to investigate!
• Give each pathway a name and assess how closely each aligns with your values, energy, engagement and flow.
• Articulate the questions you must get answered to move forward. -
Active Research + Prototype Conversations
• Dive deep into the "what ifs" of each one to uncover what life would look for you along different paths.
• Conduct prototype conversations (aka "informational interviews") and find out what others have done that might suit you too.
• This is active research -> talking to others, trying things out. No "thinking only" activity here! Learn about what could be your new satisfying career and life path in a safe and concrete way. -
Make a Clear Decision
• Now you decide. And you feel great about knowing whatever you choose is where you can bring your best and wisest self!
• Plan ahead for beginning again with both radical acceptance and optimism.
• Who do you want to be now? How do you want to show up?
• Will you move on or stay put?
Get Support For Creating What's Next
• Get support through the job hunt - resume/LinkedIn review, interview prep, negotiation support.
• If staying where you are, get help redefining what that looks like and what needs to change to meet your needs.
“Becky was my coach through a recent period of career change, introspection, re-alignment, and re-focusing. She was an incredibly valuable partner who helped me consider different angles and options. Her coaching resulted in tangible results and helped me create an expanded ‘toolkit’ that I will carry forward with me. I left each session with actionable ideas that I immediately put into practice. Becky is both intuitive and skilled in coaching, which is a powerful combination that makes each coaching session an engaging and effective experience! ”
The Stay or Go with Confidence package includes:
30 min free chemistry session before you commit (scheduled separately)
Option to do deep dive 2 hour sessions or stick to every other week individual sessions.
Private Google folder for collecting homework/reference materials
10 action-focused sessions
Individualized homework challenges
Voxer, text or email accountability support during West Coast business hours (9-5).
COST: $2490 - 10 sessions - 5 months
(inquire about payment plans)