Should I Stay or Should I Go?
SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO is my 10 session coaching intensive to help you come to terms with your current job or career situation.
It is so easy to get stuck when it’s too good to leave - and too bad to stay!
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
-Nelson Mandela
Have you ever tried driving a car with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake?
That is what you are doing when in a job that stresses you out so much you are seriously considering leaving. Like maybe after lunch. But then you think, “If I can only hold out until the next bonus! I need the money.” So you jump back into the chaos, hoping you can ignore the knots in your stomach every time your job completely changes (once a week it seems).
You are stuck. Between a rock and a hard place.
Should you stay or should you go?
And now here I am, a coach offering my services to help you. But they cost money, right? Why on earth would you spend MORE money in this moment when you don’t know what the future holds?
What if getting the help you need to feel calmer and more control actually INCREASES your income?
Imagine getting the news that the hiring manager you were so excited to work for took another job, a week after you started. And her replacement is the person you’ve heard others say is the worst leader in the company.
What if this was you instead:
Instead of stressing out, contemplating giving immediate notice, doom-scrolling LinkedIn or drinking ALL the wine in the house, you remain fully centered and present. You know your values, strengths and how to ground yourself in the midst of change. You hold on to the mental energy to think of creative solutions for adjusting to where you are now - or devising well thought out plans to get a new job. You know you have plenty of time - and NO loss of income.
Want to drive in a straight line? I can help.

Let’s Get You a Clear Decision
Should You Stay or Should You Go?
SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO is my 10 session coaching intensive to help you come to terms with your current job or career situation. It is so easy to get stuck when it’s too good to leave - and too bad to stay!
Whether your form of “distressing"” is bullying, boredom or something in between, we will figure it out and help you decide.
In this private coaching program you will:
Put language to what is going on
Understand the signs of an unhealthy or downright toxic workplace
Uncover your values + how to apply them to assess the situation
Find new sources of confidence
Learn how to talk to your saboteurs to stay centered
Practice re-framing the situation for new insights
Generate additional options for any outcome
Tend to the physical/emotional impact of what you are experiencing
Identify new sources of external support + inner strength
Make clear decisions about what to do next, or instead
Get support/skills for making your new vision come true
Step 1: How Did I Get Here?
We start by uncovering what is causing all the stress and uncertainty. Now you will know why that job or career that once brought joy now has your stomach in knots whenever you face another Monday morning.
In this step we will get clear on who you are now at this point in your life. Things are different after 40! What are your top values? What is now nonnegotiable?
We will also lay the foundation for building your inner resources to better ground you in the middle of it all. This means uncovering your Saboteurs, aka the inner voices who often say terrible and untrue things.
The result? Knowing exactly why you’ve been so uncomfortable and confused and what sources of strength you DO have available. This leads to more calm, less confusion, and lower stress. -
Step 2: Empower Yourself
In this step create your “powerpack” or “thrive kit” of skills + techniques to better manage your situation and look at the situation clearly - impossible with a panicked mind constantly trying to both work AND pull away from a role, company or even career path that no longer makes sense.
This means learning exactly what to do when your values, troubled saboteurs or core self are threatened or scared.We will also start tracking where your energy is going. What helps you stay calm AND still enjoy what you do? What wreaks havoc?
The result? Tangible tools for staying strong and collecting clues while you thoughtfully analyze your situation. -
Step 3: A Confident Decision
Now we activate the next step. Whether you decide to stay or go, you will move forward confidently. No more feeling lost in who you are because of work changes beyond your control, or inappropriately leaking out the anger you feel about being gaslighted or bullied. We gather your strengths and start imagining alternative outcomes.
The BIG result is here! You are at peace knowing, regardless of the outcomes, you can move forward feeling strong, energized and resolved. You did it! What a great decision!
The Should I Stay or Should I Go package includes:
30 min free chemistry session before you commit (scheduled separately)
Timeline review of situation
Values assessment to use as your "North Star" when making new decisions
Saboteurs assessment + specific coaching techniques to vanquish
Leader Within recognition + grounding
Energy + Values tracking for real time decision support
6 action-focused sessions
Individualized homework challenges
Every other week sessions
Email/text accountability support
COST: $1299 - 6 sessions
(inquire about payment plans)
“I had never considered personal or career coaching until a close friend posted on social media about Becky’s coaching services. The timing turned out to be perfect, as I was just entering into an unexpected work transition. I’ve now been working with Becky for several months, and our sessions have been a life line as I continue to navigate the changing landscape at my company. Becky has helped me define my core values and develop a thrive guide, and she has challenged me to ruminate on some big questions, such as: What do I want to do that I haven’t done? And Who do I want to be in this environment? Becky is direct without being forceful, she establishes good rapport quickly, and she leads with kindness and humor. I highly recommend Becky.”