Ready to light your career on fire?

Remember that young woman who couldn’t wait to get her first job to show the world what she could do?

Let’s connect her to who you are now after 40: strong, wise, a touch jaded but with even more to offer in your career!

I have helped many professional women over 40 who feel stuck in their career get the clarity and confidence they need to go after fulfilling work.

Let me help you regain your spark.

I’ve been working with Becky for five months. Not only has she helped me get unstuck she’s supported me in embracing my unconventional vision and inspired me to dream bigger
— Greta C.

The Career Spark Coaching Program includes:

  • 30 min free chemistry session before you commit (scheduled separately)

  • Values assessment to use as your "North Star" when making new decisions

  • Strengths assessment to highlight YOUR unique abilities

  • 10 action-focused sessions to include numerous confidence, self authority, strengths and re-framing exercises.

  • Individualized homework challenges

  • Connections to expert resume designers

  • Custom values-based interview prep 

  • Option for weekly or every other week sessions

  • Email/text accountability support

Want to re-energize your career?

Is this you?

  • No amount of coffee in the world can shake this sense of boredom and being in the wrong place in your career at age 40. You constantly worry, “Who am I now? What should I be doing instead? Is it too late?”

  • You just clicked “leave” from yet another Zoom meeting where leadership put on more smoke and mirrors around an obvious dumpster fire of a “re-org,” feeling burnt out and demoralized. Where can you do fulfilling work where you can actually believe what you hear?

  • You’re in shock. Your worst fear just happened: you received “The Call.” The job you worked so hard at, doing all the right things, toeing the line so you’re not “bossy” or “that woman” is now gone. What can you do next that will both make a living AND allow your strengths to shine?

Let your Career Spark Journey Begin!

Step 1: Illuminate You

We start by getting acquainted with the woman you’ve become since turning 40 (whether that was yesterday or a bit further back). Maybe you’re no longer the shy kid who never raised her hand in class. Perhaps you’ve completely glossed over how powerful your leadership skills are now after years of not getting fully recognized at work.

Together we will uncover who you are now. The result? You become more intimate with your own strengths, needs and values and learn to apply them to get what you really want in your life and career.

Step 2: Empower Yourself

Next, we move on to identifying what’s blocking you. Are you stuck in “good girl” mode, always saying yes when you mean no? Is there something about your current job, management or industry that just isn’t working for you anymore but you’re struggling to figure out what? Do others see the potential or options you remain blind to?

Here we identify the anxious thoughts or doubts turning like a hamster wheel in your head; practice ways to shift them to what makes you feel great and ready for action; and combine it all with a hefty dose of self-authority.

The result? A energetic and powerful brain, ready to blast past anything in your way!

Step 3: Activate Your Spark!

In this step, we strap on your energy pack of self-knowledge and confidence to articulate what you want and how to get it. We create your ideal day, mine it for must-haves and create a succinct list of target goals. Want a new job? We ensure you have the latest skills to get one. An alternative direction? Together we will uncover and embrace a different approach to your next professional adventure.

The result? You get actionable steps and an accountability partner leading you to clear results for your next move. You are now on fire and ready to light up the world!