Scabs and Self-Blame

I am thinking about scabs. Strange for a career change coach? Not really.

According to the dictionary, a scab is "a dry, rough protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing."


But we need scabs. They promote healing.

What is our "scab" when in a stressful or #distressingwork situation? Especially if this isn't your first wound, rodeo, round of work PTSD?

I think the scab is our thoughts. Specifically, self-blame.

If we just DID something different next time, acted better, took ownership and owned up to "our part" in the situation.

😧 Maybe I didn't work hard enough on that one project?
😧 Should I not have spoken up at that meeting to disagree with the manager?
😧 Maybe I didn't say enough to advocate for my team?
😧 Or, I neglected to ask that important question in the interview that would have prevented me from taking this truly demoralizing job?

if I can just keep THINKING about what to DO next time to prevent this #toxicwork situation! How can I FIX myself for next time?

I want control. I want safety. I want to be enough.

That right there is picking your scabs.
And what happens next? You hemorrhage.
And it takes longer, MUCH longer to heal.

What to do instead?

As your coach, I would be asking YOU this question. You are the expert in you.

But I would also support your sense of self so you can answer it in new ways with tools and exercises to help you stop picking at yourself.

❤️‍🩹 Heal your pain from feeling like crap at toxic companies.
❤️‍🩹 Recover your confidence to pursue something better.
❤️‍🩹 Stop bleeding from terrible work.

What is causing you the most pain right now at work? How would it FEEL to move past it?

Email me and/or set up a free call to discuss.

#coaching #careerchange #professionalwomen


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