Beautiful Boundaries

Where is the ground? Where is the sky? Where am I?

I took this photo at Seaside on the Oregon Coast recently and was awestruck at the disappearing line between sand and sky. Beautiful, yes?

You know what's NOT so beautiful?
A lack of boundaries between you and #distressingwork.

You already know the signs of a work situation that is causing pain- and these are just a few:

😨 Sleeplessness
😨 Racing thoughts
😨 Anger
😨 Fear

These are also some signs of missing boundaries.

When a person and/or situation harms you, we often don't know how to say no and remove ourselves.

Boundaries are the answer.
Women often struggle with setting these the most.
I figured it out and so can you.

I had these in many of my own work experiences and didn't know what was going on. My own lack of boundaries resulted in long, drawn out stress and angst -> for me and everyone around me.

Today I know the signs and get out when I see them. Getting here would have been a LOT faster with so much less pain if I had worked with a #careerchangecoach sooner.

Today is the last day of 15% off my coaching packages (20% off if you want both) designed to help you create your own boundaries and find what makes you feel strong and confident in your work.

Payment plans available.

Where are your boundaries?

#coaching #strongwomen


What are you confident about today?


Trust Yourself Again