Attack of the Shoulds

Yesterday I had an attack of the "Shoulds." It definitely felt like this blue, scary monster breathing over my shoulder with horrid breath pushing me harder and harder to GET ALL THE THINGS DONE.

It took several hours of trying to meet its demands while also feeling exhausted and down before I remembered something:

😩 I don't wanna.
😩 I don't have to.
😩 I can let it all go.
😩 I can try again tomorrow.

Embarrassingly, it took me a bit longer to remember I am trained in Positive Intelligence and what I had just practiced was one of the Five Sage Powers to combat Saboteurs (AKA inner critics, gremlins, assholes. You pick.)

It worked.

Imagine if you had NO IDEA how to combat these voices in your head that tell you how much you suck or are a failure just because something didn't go as planned, or you didn't get the job, or you don't know what to do about your #distressingwork, or your favorite jeans are tight, or if your friend didn't text you back "in time."

I can help. All of my #careerchange clients get a strong foundation of clear values, strategies to combat saboteurs, and their own inner guide to send their own Should Monsters (and more) packing!

And like me, sometimes they too forget in the face of stress. But not for long.

And they come back stronger and more confident than ever, ready to achieve their goals.

Want help forging your own foundation of mental strength against "monsters" like this?

DM me or schedule a free call (link in comments).

Stay tuned for a new group coaching course where you can get what you need to move on with confidence - and network with others doing the same.

#careerchangecoaching #mentalstrength


Are We There Yet? What’s Next?


Let That Shit Go